For the past two days, I have been participating in Scholar Strike, a movement to bring awareness of structural and systemic racism in America.
As someone who couldn't see myself in the popular image of "scientist" while I was growing up, I strive to be inclusive in my teaching and my mentorship, but I know I can do more. The cops have never been called on me while I walked around the city with my butterfly net and camera. I have never feared for my life for simply being me.
Beyond being inclusive in my teaching, mentorship, and research, I strive to be an anti-racist ally and educator. I am still learning and know I will make mistakes along the way. Here are some of the resources I found most helpful for teaching/STEM during #ScholarStrike. I will keep this list updated to the best of my ability.
Videos from Scholar Strike YouTube channel:
Goldfarb K. Underlying conditions: “race,” racism, and health.
Gooblar D. Teaching for equity.
Horn I. #EndCarceralPedadgogy.
Leon SM. Universities and slavery.
Mariko Cheifetz L. Cultivating anti-racism accountability.
Wilcox MM. The power of stories we tell.
Peer-reviewed papers:
Canning et al. 2019. STEM faculty who believe ability is fixed have larger racial achievement gaps and inspire less student motivation in their classes. Science Advances.
O'Brien et al. 2020. Why are there so few ethnic minorities in ecology and evolutionary biology? Challenges to inclusion and the role of sense of belonging. Social Psychology of Education.
Sealey et al. 2020. Human dimensions: raising black excellence by elevating black ecologists through collaboration, celebration, and promotion. Bulletin Ecological Society of America.